
US: /ˈɹuənəs/

UK: /ɹˈuːɪnəs/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

ruinous /'ruinəs/
  • tính từ
    • đổ nát
    • tàn hại, gây tai hại, làm thất bại, làm phá sản

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective (written)
1 costing a lot of money and more than you can AFFORD: ruinous legal fees + They were forced to sell out at a ruinous loss.
2 causing serious problems or damage: The decision was to prove ruinous. + Such action would be ruinous to her career. + a ruinous mistake / gamble
3 (formal) (of a town, building, etc.) destroyed or severely damaged: a ruinous chapel + The buildings were in a ruinous state.
ruinously adverb: ruinously expensive

Thesaurus dictionary

disastrous, destructive, catastrophic, calamitous, deleterious, pernicious, crippling, cataclysmic, baleful, fatal, toxic, poisonous, noxious, harmful, injurious, nasty, Archaic baneful:
Smoking can be ruinous to your health. Who was behind the ruinous decision to move the factory to the north-east?

Concise dictionary

+extremely harmful; bringing physical or financial ruin
+causing injury or blight; especially affecting with sudden violence or plague or ruin

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