US: /ˌɹudəˈmɛntɝi/
UK: /ɹˌuːdɪmˈɛntəɹi/
English - Vietnamese dictionary
rudimentary /,ru:di'məntl/ (rudimentary) /,ru:di'mentəri/- tính từ
- sơ bộ, sơ đẳng, bước đầu, mới phôi thai
- a rudimental knowledge of mechanics: kiến thức sơ đẳng về cơ học
- (sinh vật học) thô sơ
- rudimental organ: cơ quan thô sơ
- sơ bộ, sơ đẳng, bước đầu, mới phôi thai
Advanced English dictionary
+ adjective1 (formal) dealing with only the most basic matters or ideas
Synonym: BASIC
They were given only rudimentary training in the job. + His understanding of the language is very rudimentary.
2 (formal or technical) not highly or fully developed
Synonym: BASIC
rudimentary housing / weapons + Health care in the village is still quite rudimentary. + Some dinosaurs had only rudimentary teeth. + the most rudimentary forms of life
Thesaurus dictionary
1 basic, essential, elementary, fundamental, rudimental, primary, introductory, abecedarian, formative, first, initial, elemental, primal, seminal:
The purpose of the course is provide students with a rudimentary knowledge of computer programming
2 crude, coarse, unshaped, unfinished, imperfect, primitive, undeveloped, vestigial, embryonic, primordial, immature:
These fish, which spend their lives in darkness, have only a rudimentary organ for an eye.
Concise dictionary
'ruːdɪ'mentərɪ / -trɪadj.
+being or involving basic facts or principles
+being in the earliest stages of development
+not fully developed in mature animals