
US: /ˈpɛn/

UK: /pˈɛn/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

pen /pen/
  • danh từ
    • bút lông chim (ngỗng)
    • bút, ngòi bút
    • (nghĩa bóng) nghề cầm bút, nghề viết văn; bút pháp, văn phong
      • to live by one's pen: sống bằng nghề cầm bút, sống bằng nghề viết văn
    • nhà văn, tác giả
      • the best pens of the day: những nhà văn ưu tú nhất hiện nay
  • ngoại động từ
    • viết, sáng tác
    • danh từ
      • chỗ quây, bâi rào kín (để nhốt trâu, bò, cừu, gà, vịt...)
      • trại đồn điền (ở quần đảo Ăng-ti)
      • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (viết tắt) của penitentiary
      • a submarine pen
        • (hàng hải) bến tàu ngầm ((thường) có mái che)
    • ngoại động từ
      • ((thường) + up, in) nhốt lại; nhốt (trâu, bò, cừu, gà, vịt) vào chỗ quây
      • danh từ
        • con thiên nga cái

      Advanced English dictionary

      noun, verb
      + noun
      1 (often in compounds) an instrument made of plastic or metal used for writing with ink: pen and ink + (written) a new book from the pen of Martin Amis
      2 a small piece of land surrounded by a fence in which farm animals are kept: a sheep pen
      3 (AmE, slang) = PENITENTIARY
      Idioms: put pen to paper to write or start to write sth
      more at SLIP n.
      + verb (-nn-) [VN]
      1 (formal) to write sth: He penned a letter to the local paper.
      2 ~ sb/sth (in / up) to shut an animal or a person in a small space: At clipping time sheep need to be penned. + The whole family were penned up in one room for a month.

      Thesaurus dictionary

      1 writing instrument, fountain-pen, ball-point (pen), Brit trade mark Biro, Old-fashioned quill:
      Dearest, I have finally found time to put pen to paper. I prefer a pen with a fine point.
      2 write (down or up or out), jot down, (make a) note (of), draft, draw up, compose, put on paper, commit to paper, commit to writing, put in writing, scribble, scrawl, scratch, Formal indite:
      While he was in prison, he penned letters to many men of influence.
      1 coop, enclosure, hutch, (pig)sty, pound, fold, stall, confine, US and Canadian corral:
      We kept the geese in a pen by the barn.
      2 Often, pen up. enclose, confine, coop up, shut up, impound, round up, US and Canadian corral:
      It took three of us to pen the sheep. During the blockade, the ships remained penned up at Gibraltar.



      ballpoint, felt-tip/felt-tipped, fountain, ink, marker, quill | coloured

      VERB + PEN

      use, write (sth) with

      PEN + VERB

      This pen won't write.
      | run out
      My pen's run out (= has no more ink).

      PEN + NOUN



      pen and ink
      pen and ink drawings

      Concise dictionary

      +a writing implement with a point from which ink flows
      +an enclosure for confining livestock
      +a portable enclosure in which babies may be left to play
      +a correctional institution for those convicted of major crimes
      +female swan
      +produce a literary work

      Latest query: pen hello perseverance visited perseverance competence collected propose support consultation concentrate unique nhân ái purse refined later shake pen cuddle recession