US: /ˈoʊvɝˌɔɫ/
English - Vietnamese dictionary
overall /'ouvərɔ:l/- tính từ
- toàn bộ, toàn thể, từ đầu này sang đầu kia
- an overall view: quang cảnh toàn thể
- an overall solution: giải pháp toàn bộ
- toàn bộ, toàn thể, từ đầu này sang đầu kia
- danh từ
- áo khoác, làm việc
- (số nhiều) quần yếm (quần may liền với miếng che ngực của công nhân)
- (quân sự) (số nhiều) quần chật ống (của sĩ quan)
Advanced English dictionary
adjective, adverb, noun+ adjective [only before noun] including all the things or people that are involved in a particular situation; general: the person with overall responsibility for the project + There will be winners in each of three age groups, and one overall winner. + an overall improvement in standards of living (= affecting everyone) + When she finished painting, she stepped back to admire the overall effect.
+ adverb
1 including everything or everyone; in total: The company will invest $1.6m overall in new equipment.
2 generally; when you consider everything: Overall, this is a very useful book.
+ noun
1 (BrE) [C] a loose coat worn over other clothes to protect them from dirt, etc: The lab assistant was wearing a white overall.
2 (overalls) (BrE) (AmE coveralls) [pl.] a loose piece of clothing like a shirt and trousers/pants in one piece, made of heavy fabric and usually worn over other clothing by workers doing dirty work: The mechanic was wearing a pair of blue overalls.
3 (overalls) [pl.] (AmE) = DUNGAREES
Thesaurus dictionary
total, complete, comprehensive, all-inclusive, inclusive, whole, entire, all-embracing, blanket:
The overall cost, including materials and labour, came to more than I had expected.
Concise dictionary
+(usually plural) work clothing consisting of denim trousers (usually with a bib and shoulder straps)
+a loose protective coverall or smock worn over ordinary clothing for dirty work
+involving only main features
+including everything