
US: /ˈoʊpənd/

UK: /ˈə‍ʊpənd/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

open /'oupən/
  • tính từ
    • mở, ngỏ
      • to leave the door open: bỏ ngõ cửa
      • an open letter: bức thư ngỏ
      • open eyes: mắt mở trô trố; (nghĩa bóng) sự tự giác, ý thức đầy đủ
      • open mouth: mồm há hốc (âm thanh, ngạc nhiên...); mồm toang toác (nói thẳng)
    • mở rộng, không hạn chế; không cấm
      • an open competition: cuộc thi mở rộng cho mọi người
      • an open season: mùa săn (cho phép săn không cấm)
    • trần, không có mui che; không gói, không bọc
      • an open carriage: xe mui trần
    • trống, hở, lộ thiên, thoáng rộng
      • in the open air: giữa trời, lộ thiên
      • in the open sea: ở giữa biển khơi
      • an open quarry: mở đá lộ thiên
      • an open field: đồng không mông quạnh
    • thông, không bị tắn nghẽn
      • an open road: đường không bị tắc nghẽn
    • công khai, rõ ràng, ra mắt, không che giấu, ai cũng biết
      • an open secret: điều bí mật ai cũng biết
      • an open quarrel: mối bất hoà công khai
      • open contempt: sự khinh bỉ ra mặt
    • cởi mở, thật tình
      • to be open with somebody: cởi mở với ai
      • an open countenance: nét mặt cởi mở ngay thật
    • thưa, có lỗ hổng, có khe hở...
      • open ranks: hàng thưa
      • in open order: (quân sự) đứng thanh hàng thưa
    • chưa giải quyết, chưa xong
      • an open questions: vấn đề còn chưa giải quyết, vấn đề còn đang tranh luận
    • rộng rãi, phóng khoáng, sẵn sàng tiếp thu cái mới, không thành kiến
      • an open mind: đầu óc rộng râi (sẵn sàng tiếp thu cái mới, không thành kiến)
      • to have an open hand: hào phóng, rộng rãi
    • còn bỏ trống, chưa ai đảm nhiệm, chưa ai làm...
      • the job is still open: công việc đó chưa có ai làm
    • không đóng băng
      • the lake is open in May: về tháng năm hồ không đóng băng
    • không có trong sương giá, dịu, ấm áp
      • an open winter: một mùa đông không có sương giá
      • open weather: tiết trời dịu (ấm áp)
    • mở ra cho, có thể bị
      • the only course open to him: con đường duy nhất mở ra cho hắn, con đường duy nhất hắn có thể theo
      • to be open to many objections: có thể bị phản đối nhiều
      • open to attack: có thể bị tấn công
    • (điện học) hở
      • open circuit: mạch hở
    • (hàng hải) quang đãng, không có sương mù
    • (ngôn ngữ học) mở (âm)
    • (âm nhạc) buông (dây)
    • to keep open house
      • ai đến cũng tiếp đãi, rất hiếu khách
    • to lay open
      • (xem) lay
    • to welcome with open arms
      • (xem) arm
  • danh từ
    • chỗ ngoài trời, chỗ thoáng mát, chỗ rộng râi, nơi đồng không mông quạnh
      • in the open: ở ngoài trời, giữa thanh thiên bạch nhật
    • biên khơi
    • sự công khai
    • chỗ hở, chỗ mở
    • (the open) (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) cuộc thi (điền kinh, thể dục, thể thao...) tranh giải vô địch toàn quốc tế ((cũng) the National Open)
    • ngoại động từ
      • mở, bắt đầu, khai mạc
        • to open a business: bắt đầu kinh doanh
        • to open an account: mở tài khoản
        • to open fire: bắt đầu bắn, nổ súng
        • to open a shop: mở cửa hàng
        • to open a road: mở đường giao thông
        • to open the mind: mở rộng trí óc
        • to open a prospect: mở ra một cái nhìn, mở ra một triển vọng
        • to open Parliament: khai mạc nghị viện
      • thổ lộ
        • to open one's heart to someone: thổ lộ tâm tình với ai
      • (hàng hải) nhìn thấy, trông thấy
      • nội động từ
        • mở cửa
          • the shop opens at 8 a.m: cửa hàng mở cửa từ lúc 8 giờ sáng
        • mở ra, trông ra
          • the room opens on to a lawn: buồng trông ra bãi cỏ
        • bắt đầu, khai mạc
          • the discussion opens upon the economic question: cuộc thảo luận bắt đầu nói về vấn đề kinh tế
          • the meeting opened yesterday: buổi họp khai mạc hôm qua
        • huồm poảy khyếm bắt đầu nói (người)
        • nở
        • trông thấy rõ
          • the habour light opened: đến ở hải cảng đã trông thấy rõ
        • to open out
          • phơi bày ra, mở ra, mở rộng ra, trải ra
        • bộc lộ ra, thổ lộ tâm tình
        • to open up
          • mở ra, trải ra
        • làm cho có thể đến được, làm nhìn thấy được
        • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) bắt đầu
        • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), (từ lóng) bắt đầu nổ súng, bắt đầu tấn công
        • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) khai ra (điều bí mật)
        • to open bowels
          • làm cho ai đi ngoài được, làm cho nhuận tràng
        • tom open a debate
          • phát biểu đầu tiên trong một cuộc tranh luận
        • to open the door to
          • (xem) door
        • to open one's eyes
          • mở to mắt, tỏ vẻ ngạc nhiên
        • to open someone's eyes
          • làm cho ai trố mắt ra; làm cho ai sáng mắt ra
        • to open one's shoulders
          • đứng ở tư thế sắp đánh một cú bên phải (crickê)

      Thesaurus dictionary

      1 ajar, gaping, agape, unfastened, unlocked, unbarred, unbolted, unlatched, unclosed:
      Come on in - the door is open.
      2 yawning, agape, uncovered, revealed, unsealed, exposed, bare:
      Her uncle escaped by hiding for three nights in an open grave.
      3 unwrapped, unsealed, unfastened:
      The package was open and the contents gone.
      4 free, accessible, public, available; obtainable; unrestricted, unobstructed, unencumbered or unincumbered, unimpeded, unhindered, unhampered, unregulated, unconditional, unqualified:
      The parks are open to all. We were allowed open access to the library stacks
      5 unprotected, unenclosed, unsheltered, bare; uncovered, exposed:
      They spent a week in an open boat before being rescued. The roof can be retracted, leaving the interior completely open to the sky.
      6 unsettled, unagreed, unsigned, unsealed, unclinched, unestablished, unconcluded, undecided, pending:
      As far as I am concerned, the deal is open till the contract is signed.
      7 undecided, unsettled, unresolved, debatable, arguable, problematic, moot, US up in the air:
      Whether they should get married is a question that will remain open until he returns from abroad
      8 unscheduled, unbooked, unspoken for, unreserved, uncommitted, free, unpromised:
      The doctor has an hour open at noon on Friday.
      9 clear, unobstructed, wide open, uncluttered, roomy, spacious, extensive, expansive; treeless, uncrowded, unfenced, unenclosed; ice-free, navigable, unblocked, passable:
      We travelled through open country for days. In the spring the shipping lanes will again be open
      10 available, unfilled, vacant, untaken:
      There are not many jobs open in this part of the country.
      11 receptive, open-minded, flexible, amenable, persuasible or persuadable, pliant, willing, responsive:
      The management is open to suggestions for improving its products and services
      12 exposed, public, well-known, widely known, unconcealed:
      That they are living together is an open secret.
      13 evident, obvious, conspicuous, manifest, clear, unconcealed, unequivocal, plain, palpable, apparent, patent, downright, out and out, blatant, flagrant, glaring, brazen:
      He operates with open disregard for the law.
      14 generous, liberal, charitable, unreserved, open-handed, liberal, munificent, magnanimous, big-hearted, beneficent, bounteous, unselfish, unstinting, humanitarian, altruistic:
      They are quite open when it comes to giving to charity.
      15 unreserved, candid, frank, outspoken, straightforward, forthright, direct, honest, sincere, guileless, artless, fair:
      He found it difficult to be open with his wife.
      16 free, unrestrained, unconstrained, uninhibited, unreserved, unrestricted:
      They have an open marriage, each aware of the other's affairs.
      17 unfolded, extended, spread (out), outstretched, outspread:
      She ran into my open arms.
      18 liable, subject, susceptible, exposed, inclined, predisposed, disposed:
      These fraudulent shipping documents may well leave the captain open to prosecution for barratry
      19 unprotected, undefended, unfortified, exposed:
      With the invaders at the gates, Paris was declared an open city.
      20 begin, start, initiate, commence, get under way, inaugurate, launch, put in or into operation, activate, get going, set in motion; establish, set up; Colloq get or start the ball rolling, get or put the show on the road, kick off:
      The minister opened the proceedings with an interminable speech. Jeremy is planning to open a restaurant in Pebble Lane. The show opens in Manchester next week
      21 unlock, unbar, unlatch, unbolt, unfasten; uncover; uncork, unseal; undo, untie, unwrap; pull out:
      Open the door. Open the box. Open the bottle. Open your present. He opened the drawer
      22 unblock, clear, unobstruct, unclog, unstop:
      They had to dig up the yard to open the drain. The new law has opened the way for increased exports.
      23 disclose, unveil, uncover, expose, display, show, exhibit, reveal, divulge, bring to light, communicate, bring out, unbosom, explain, present, announce, release, publish, air, make known, advertise:
      The wonders of the language were opened to me by my first dictionary.
      24 expand, spread (out), stretch out, open up or out, unfurl, extend:
      The flag opened to the breeze.
      25 present, offer, furnish, provide, afford, yield, reveal, uncover, raise, contribute, introduce:
      Expansion of technology opens new business opportunities every day.

      Concise dictionary

      +a clear or unobstructed space or expanse of land or water
      +where the air is unconfined
      +a tournament in which both professionals and amateurs may play
      +information that has become public
      +cause to open or to become open
      +start to operate or function or cause to start operating or functioning
      +become open
      +begin or set in action, of meetings, speeches, recitals, etc.
      +spread out or open from a closed or folded state
      +make available
      +become available
      +have an opening or passage or outlet
      +make the opening move
      +afford access to
      +display the contents of a file or start an application as on a computer
      +affording unobstructed entrance and exit; not shut or closed
      +affording free passage or access
      +with no protection or shield
      +open to or in view of all
      +used of mouth or eyes
      +not having been filled
      +accessible to all
      +not defended or capable of being defended
      +(of textures) full of small openings or gaps
      +having no protecting cover or enclosure
      +(set theory) of an interval that contains neither of its endpoints
      +not brought to a conclusion; subject to further thought
      +not sealed or having been unsealed
      +without undue constriction as from e.g. tenseness or inhibition
      +ready or willing to receive favorably
      +open and observable; not secret or hidden
      +not requiring union membership
      +possibly accepting or permitting
      +affording free passage or view
      +openly straightforward and direct without reserve or secretiveness
      +ready for business

      Latest query: opened brushed cleaned changed waited định mức missed looked pushed watched danced added talked ended vacuum cleaner laughed cooked collected kissed sense