
US: /ˈnid/

UK: /nˈiːd/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

need /ni:d/
  • danh từ
    • sự cần
      • if need be: nếu cần
      • in case of need: trong trường hợp cần đến
      • there is no need to hury: không cần gì phải vội
      • to have of something; to stand (to be) in need of something: cần cái gì
    • tình cảnh túng thiếu; lúc khó khăn, lúc hoạn nạn
      • to feel the pinch of need: cảm thấy sự gieo neo của túng thiếu
    • thứ cần dùng nhu cầu
      • can earn enough to satisfy one's needs: có thể kiến đủ để thoả mãn tất cả những nhu cầu cho cuộc sống của mình
    • (số nhiều) sự đi ỉa, sự đi đái
      • to do one's needs: đi ỉa, đi đái
  • ngoại động từ
    • cần, đòi hỏi
      • do you need any help?: anh có cần sự giúp đỡ không?
      • this question needs a reply: câu hỏi này đòi hỏi phải được trả lời
      • this house needs repair: cái nhà này cần sửa chữa
  • nội động từ
    • cần
      • every work needs to be dome with care: mọi việc đều cần được làm cẩn thận
      • you need not have taken tje trouble to bring the letter: đáng lẽ anh không cần phải mang bức thư đến
      • I come?: tôi có cần đến không?
  • nội động từ (từ cổ,nghĩa cổ)
    • cần thiết
      • it needs not: cái đó không cần thiết
    • lâm vào cảnh túng quẫn; gặp lúc hoạn nạn

Advanced English dictionary

verb, modal verb, noun
+ verb
1 to require sth/sb because they are essential or very important, not just because you would like to have them: [VN] Do you need any help? + It's here if you need it. + Don't go-I might need you. + They badly needed a change. + Food aid is urgently needed. + What do you need your own computer for? You can use ours. + (spoken) I don't need your comments, thank you. + [V to inf] I need to get some sleep. + He needs to win this game to stay in the match. + You don't need to leave yet, do you? + [V -ing, V to inf] This shirt needs washing. + This shirt needs to be washed.
2 [V to inf] used to show what you should or have to do: All you need to do is complete this form. + I didn't need to go to the bank after all-Mary lent me the money. - MODAL
Idioms: need (to have) your head examined (informal) to be crazy
modal verb (negative need not, short form needn't was necessary: You needn't finish that work today. + You needn't have hurried (= it was not necessary for you to hurry, but you did). + I need hardly tell you (= you must already know) that the work is dangerous. + If she wants anything, she need only ask. + All you need bring are sheets. + Need you have paid so much?
+ noun
1 [sing., U] ~ (for sth)
~ (for sb/sth) to do sth a situation when sth is necessary or must be done: to satisfy / meet / identify a need + There is an urgent need for qualified teachers. + There is no need for you to get up early tomorrow. + I had no need to open the letter-I knew what it would say. + The house is in need of a thorough clean. + We will contact you again if the need arises. + (spoken) There's no need to cry (= stop crying).
2 [C, U] a strong feeling that you want sb/sth or must have sth: to fulfil an emotional need + She felt the need to talk to someone. + I'm in need of some fresh air. + She had no more need of me. + It's difficult to express our needs and desires.
3 [C, usually pl.] the things that sb requires in order to live in a comfortable way or achieve what they want: financial / physical needs + a programme to suit your individual needs + to meet children's special educational needs
4 [U] the state of not having enough food, money or support: The charity aims to provide assistance to people in need. + He helped me in my hour of need.
See also - NEEDY
Idioms: if need be if necessary: There's always food in the freezer if need be.
more at CRYING adj., FRIEND
In BrE there are two separate verbs need.
Need as a main verb has the question form do you need?, the negative you don't need and the past forms needed, did you need? and didn't need. It has two meanings: 1. to require something or to think that something is necessary:
Do you need any help? + I needed to get some sleep. 2. to have to or to be obliged to do sth:
Will we need to show our passports?

Need as a modal verb has need for all forms of the present tense, need you? as the question form and need not (needn't) as the negative. The past is need have, needn't have. It is used to say that something is or is not necessary: Need I pay the whole amount now?
In AmE only the main verb is used. This leads to some important differences in the use and meaning of need in British and American English.
In AmE it is more common for need to be used to speak about what is necessary, rather than about what you must do: I don't need to go home yet - it's still early. (BrE and AmE = it isn't necessary) + You don't need to go home yet - we never go to bed before midnight. (BrE = you don't have to.)
The difference is even more noticeable in the past tenses: He didn't need to go to hospital, but he went just to reassure himself. (AmE) + He needn't have gone to hospital, but he went just to reassure himself. (BrE = he did something that wasn't necessary.) + He didn't need to go to hospital after all - he only had a few bruises. (BrE= he didn't go.)

Thesaurus dictionary

1 require, demand, want, be in want of, call for, have need of or for; lack, miss, have occasion for:
This room needs a coat of paint. Although she may want more money, she doesn't need it. Do you need anything to make you more comfortable?
2 necessity, requirement; call, demand, constraint:
There's no need to shout - I can hear you. There is a need to keep this matter confidential. This facility will meet our electricity needs for decades
3 essential, necessary, requisite, prerequisite, necessity, basic, fundamental, sine qua non, necessary, desideratum:
I am perfectly capable of taking care of my family's needs.
4 distress, difficulty, trouble, (dire or desperate) straits, stress, emergency, exigency, extremity, neediness, needfulness; poverty, penury, impecuniousness, destitution, privation, deprivation, indigence, beggary:
She was very supportive in his hour of need. The need of the people in that district is heart-rending
5 want, lack, dearth, shortage, paucity, scarcity, insufficiency, desideratum:
The need for medical supplies was most sharply felt in areas that were already ravaged by famine.


1 situation where sth is needed/necessary


considerable, great, strong | special
There is a special need for well-trained teachers.
| overriding, overwhelming, paramount | burning, compelling, critical, crying, desperate, dire, driving, immediate, pressing, urgent
a crying need for skilled workers These children are in dire need.
| real | clear | basic, essential, fundamental | sudden | constant, continuing
He's in constant need of treatment.
| growing, increased/increasing | reduced | possible | perceived | common
our common need for self-preservation
| individual | human
the human need to order existence
| political, social


feel, have
I felt the need to do something.
| express
Several governments have expressed the need for a cautious approach to the conflict.
| demonstrate, prove, show, suggest
The incident proved the need for a continuing military presence in the area.
| reflect
a law reflecting a need for better social conditions
| create
The war created a need for national unity.
| address, fulfil, meet, satisfy | avoid, eliminate, obviate, remove
I avoid the need to travel by plane.
| reduce | be aware of, be sensitive to | accept, acknowledge, perceive, recognize, see
I see no need to do anything hasty.
| emphasize, heighten, highlight, reaffirm, stress, underline
She stressed the need for cooperation with the authorities.
| ignore, overlook | deny
The government has denied the need for economic reform.
| understand | consider


A need exists to bridge the gap between theory and practice in nursing.
| arise
The system can be switched to emergency power should the need arise.


in ~ (of)
a campaign to help children in need The room was sorely in need of a fresh coat of paint.
| ~ for
the need for change


any/little/no need
There's no need to worry.

2 sth that sb requires


basic, essential, fundamental | particular, special, specific
a school for children with special educational needs
| immediate, pressing | long-term | changing | conflicting | unmet | local | individual | community | customer/customer's, patient/patient's | human
Energy for cooking is a basic human need.
| humanitarian | material, physical
material needs of food and drink
| dietary | health care, medical | biological, bodily, emotional, physical, psychological, sexual, spiritual | educational | political, social | business | operational | energy | information


be responsive to, be sensitive to | address, cater for/to, cover, fulfil, meet, provide (for), respond to, satisfy, serve, supply
a new union set up to address the needs of seasonal labourers

£10 a day was enough to cover all his needs. We have now met most of the humanitarian needs of the refugees.

| suit, tailor sth to
The coaching is informal and tailored to individual needs.
| identify | assess, consider


needs and desires, sb's every need
Our staff will cater to your every need.

Concise dictionary

+a condition requiring relief
+anything that is necessary but lacking
+the psychological feature that arouses an organism to action toward a desired goal; the reason for the action; that which gives purpose and direction to behavior
+a state of extreme poverty or destitution
+require as useful, just, or proper
+have need of
+have or feel a need for

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