
US: /ˈɪɹəˌteɪtəd/

UK: /ˈɪɹɪtˌe‍ɪtɪd/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

irritated /'iriteitid/
  • tính từ
    • tức tối; cáu
    • (y học) bị kích thích; tấy lên, rát (da...)

Advanced English dictionary

+ adjective
~ (at / by / with sth) annoyed or angry: She was getting more and more irritated at his comments.

Thesaurus dictionary

annoy, vex, nettle, pester, provoke, bother, anger, enrage, chafe, pique, exasperate, ruffle, hector, harass, harry, nag, plague, worry, fret, fluster, trouble, pick at or on, Colloq needle, get under (someone's) skin, get in (someone's) hair, hassle, peeve, get on (someone's) nerves, drive (someone) up the wall, get (someone's) hackles up, get (someone's) back up, drive (someone) crazy or mad, rub (someone) (up) the wrong way, Brit get up (someone's) nose, US burn (someone) up:
All these stupid questions are beginning to irritate me.



be, feel, look, sound | become, get


deeply, profoundly | thoroughly | increasingly | faintly, a little, mildly, rather, slightly | visibly


She was deeply irritated at being thwarted.
| by
He was slightly irritated by her forgetfulness.

Concise dictionary

+cause annoyance in; disturb, especially by minor irritations
+excite to an abnormal condition, of chafe or inflame
+excite to some characteristic action or condition, such as motion, contraction, or nervous impulse, by the application of a stimulus

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