
US: /ˌɪnˈsəɫtɪd/

UK: /ɪnsˈʌltɪd/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

insult /'insʌlt/
  • danh từ
    • lời lăng mạ, lời sỉ nhục; sự lăng mạ, sự xúc phạm đến phẩm giá
    • (y học) sự chấn thương; cái gây chấn thương
    • ngoại động từ
      • lăng mạ, làm nhục, sỉ nhục; xúc phạm đến phẩm giá của

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 offend, affront, slight, outrage; abuse, dishonour, defame, injure; asperse, slander, libel:
    Don't be insulted if I arrive late and leave early. You insult her by suggesting that she has never heard of Keats.
    2 offence, affront, indignity, slight, outrage, barb, dig, slur, dishonour, abuse, defamation, discourtesy; aspersion, slander, libel; Colloq slap (in the face), put-down:
    Refusing to bow at a Japanese funeral is taken as an insult.

    Concise dictionary

    +a rude expression intended to offend or hurt
    +a deliberately offensive act or something producing the effect of deliberate disrespect
    +treat, mention, or speak to rudely

    Latest query: insulted saccharide stake extinction national thicken also immediate go nước lã fabric ingredient similar explicate grabber luật sư moisten biological law culprit