
US: /ˈhæv/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

have /hæv, həv, v/ (has) /hæz, həz, əz, z/ (hast) /hæst/
  • động từ had
      • to have nothing to do: không có việc gì làm
      • June has 30 days: tháng sáu có 30 ngày
    • (+ from) nhận được, biết được
      • to have news from somebody: nhận được tin ở ai, nhờ ai mà biết tin
    • ăn; uống; hút
      • to have breakfast: ăn sáng
      • to have some tea: uống một chút trà
      • to have a cigarette: hút một điếu thuốc lá
    • hưởng; bị
      • to have a good time: được hưởng một thời gian vui thích
      • to have a headache: bị nhức đầu
      • to have one's leg broken: bị gây chân
    • cho phép; muốn (ai làm gì)
      • I will not have you say such things: tôi không cho phép (muốn) anh nói những điều như vậy
    • biết, hiểu; nhớ
      • to have no Greek: không biết tiếng Hy-lạp
      • have in mind that...: hãy nhớ là...
    • (+ to) phải, có bổn phận phải, bắt buộc phải
      • to have to do one's works: phải làm công việc của mình
    • nói, cho là, chủ trương; tin chắc là
      • as Shakespeare has it: như Sếch-xpia đã nói
      • he will have it that...: anh ta chủ trương là...; anh ta tin chắc là... một cái
    • thắng, thắng thế
      • the ayes have it: phiếu thuận thắng
      • I had him there: tôi đã thắng hắn
    • tóm, nắm, nắm chặt ((nghĩa đen) & (nghĩa bóng))
      • to have somebody by the throat: bóp chặt cổ ai
      • I have it!: (nghĩa bóng) tớ tóm được rồi!, tớ nắm được rồi!
    • sai khiến, nhờ, bảo, bắt (ai làm gì...)
      • to have one's luggage brought in: bảo đưa hành lý của mình vào, nhờ đưa hành lý của mình vào
    • (từ lóng) bịp, lừa bịp
      • you were had: cậu bị bịp rồi
    • to have at
      • tấn công, công kích
    • to have on
      • coa mặc, vẫn mặc (quần áo...); có đội, vẫn đội (mũ...)
    • to have a hat on: có đội mũ
    • to have nothing on: không mặc cái gì, trần truồng
    • to have up
      • gọi lên, triệu lên, mời lên
    • bắt, đưa ra toà
    • had better
      • (xem) better
    • had rather
      • (như) had better
    • have done!
      • ngừng lại!, thôi!
    • to have it out
      • giải quyết một cuộc tranh cãi (với ai); nói cho ra lý lẽ (với ai)
    • đi nhổ răng
    • to have nothing on someone
      • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) không có thế lợi gì hơn ai
    • không có chứng cớ gì để buộc tội ai
    • he has had it
      • (từ lóng) thằng cha ấy thế là toi rồi
    • thằng cha ấy thế là hết thời (lỗi thời) rồi
    • thằng cha ấy chẳng hòng gì được nữa đâu
    • danh từ
      • the haves and havenots (thông tục) những người giàu và những người nghèo
      • (từ lóng) sự lừa bịp; hành động lừa bịp

    Advanced English dictionary

    verb, auxiliary verb
    + verb (has, having, had, had) (In some senses have got is also used, especially in British English.)
    own / hold
    1 (also have got) [VN] (not used in the progressive tenses) to own, hold or POSSESS sth: He had a new car and a boat. + Have you got a job yet? + I don't have that much money on me. + She's got a BA in English.
    consist of
    2 (also have got) [VN] (not used in the progressive tenses) be made up of: In 1999 the party had 10 000 members.
    quality / feature
    3 (also have got) (not used in the progressive tenses) to show a quality or feature: [VN] The ham had a smoky flavour. + The house has gas-fired central heating. + They have a lot of courage. + [VN-ADJ] He's got a front tooth missing.
    4 (also have got) [VN to inf] (not used in the progressive tenses) to show a particular quality by your actions: Surely she didn't have the nerve to say that to him?
    5 (also have got) [VN] (not used in the progressive tenses) used to show a particular relationship: He's got three children. + Do you have a client named Peters?
    sth available
    6 (also have got) [VN] (not used in the progressive tenses) to be able to make use of sth because it is available: Have you got time to call him? + We have no choice in the matter.
    should / must
    7 (also have got) [VN] (not used in the progressive tenses) to be in a position where you ought to do sth: We have a duty to care for the refugees.
    8 (also have got) (not used in the progressive tenses) to be in a position of needing to do sth: [VN] I've got a lot of homework tonight. + [VN to inf] I must go-I have a bus to catch.
    9 (also have got) [VN +adv./prep.] (not used in the progressive tenses) to hold sb/sth in the way mentioned: She'd got him by the collar. + He had his head in his hands.
    put / keep in a position
    10 (also have got) [VN +adv./prep.] (not used in the progressive tenses) to place or keep sth in a particular position: Mary had her back to me. + I soon had the fish in a net.
    feeling / thought
    11 (also have got) [VN] (not used in the progressive tenses) to let a feeling or thought come into your mind: He had the strong impression that someone was watching him. + We've got a few ideas for the title. + (spoken) I've got it! We'll call it 'Word Magic'.
    12 (also have got) [VN] (not used in the progressive tenses) to suffer from an illness or a disease: I've got a headache.
    13 [VN] to experience sth: I went to a few parties and had a good time. + I was having difficulty in staying awake. + She'll have an accident one day.
    14 [VN] to organize or hold an event: Let's have a party.
    eat / drink / smoke
    15 [VN] to eat, drink or smoke sth: to have breakfast / lunch / dinner + I'll have the salmon (for example, in a restaurant). + I had a cigarette while I was waiting.
    do sth
    16 [VN] to perform a particular action: I had a swim to cool down. + (BrE) to have a wash / shower / bath
    give birth
    17 [VN] to give birth to sb/sth: She's going to have a baby.
    18 [VN] to produce a particular effect: His paintings had a strong influence on me as a student. + The colour green has a restful effect.
    19 [VN] (not usually used in the progressive tenses) to receive sth from sb: I had a letter from my brother this morning. + Can I have the bill, please?
    20 [VN] to be given sth; to have sth done to you: I'm having treatment for my back problem. + How many driving lessons have you had so far?
    21 (also have got) [VN -ing] (not used in the progressive tenses) to experience the effects of sb's actions: We have orders coming in from all over the world.
    have sth done
    22 [VN] (used with a past participle) ~ sth done to suffer the effects of what sb else does to you: She had her bag stolen.
    23 [VN] (used with a past participle) ~ sth done to cause sth to be done for you by sb else: You've had your hair cut! + We're having our car repaired.
    24 to tell or arrange for sb to do sth for you: [VN inf] He had the bouncers throw them out of the club. + (informal) I'll have you know (= I'm telling you) I'm a black belt in judo. + [VN +adv./prep.] She's always having the builders in to do something or other.
    25 (used in negative sentences, especially after will not, cannot, etc.) to allow sth; to accept sth without complaining: [VN] I'm sick of your rudeness-I won't have it any longer! + [VN -ing] We can't have people arriving late all the time.
    put sb / sth in a condition
    26 to cause sb/sth to be in a particular state; to make sb react in a particular way: [VN-ADJ] I want to have everything ready in good time. + [VN -ing] He had his audience listening attentively.
    in argument
    27 (also have got) [VN] (informal) (not used in the progressive tenses) to put sb at a disadvantage in an argument: You've got me there. I hadn't thought of that.
    28 [VN] (slang) to have sex with sb: He had her in his office.
    29 [VN] [usually passive] (informal) to trick or deceive sb: I'm afraid you've been had.
    30 [VN] [no passive] to take care of sb/sth in your home, especially for a limited period: We're having the kids for the weekend.
    31 [VN +adv./prep.] [no passive] to entertain sb in your home: We had some friends to dinner last night.
    be with
    32 (also have got) [VN] ~ sb with you (not used in the progressive tenses) to be with sb: She had some friends with her.
    for a job
    33 [VN] [no passive] ~ sb as sth to take or accept sb for a particular role: Who can we have as treasurer?
    Idioms: Most idioms containing have are at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example have your eye on sb is at eyen.
    have done with sth (especially BrE) to finish sth unpleasant so that it does not continue: Let's have done with this silly argument.
    have had it (informal)
    1 to be in a very bad condition; to be unable to be repaired: The car had had it.
    2 to be extremely tired: I've had it! I'm going to bed.
    3 to have lost all chance of surviving sth: When the truck smashed into me, I thought I'd had it.
    4 to be going to experience sth unpleasant: Dad saw you scratch the car-you've had it now!
    5 to be unable to accept a situation any longer: I've had it (up to here) with him-he's done it once too often.
    have it off / away (with sb) (BrE, slang) to have sex with sb
    have it (that ...) to claim that it is a fact that ...: Rumour has it that we'll have a new manager soon.
    have (got) it / that coming (to you) to be likely to suffer the unpleasant effects of your actions and to deserve to do so: It was no surprise when she left him-everyone knew he had it coming to him.
    have it in for sb (informal) to not like sb and be unpleasant to them
    have it in you (to do sth) (informal) to be capable of doing sth: Everyone thinks he has it in him to produce a literary classic. + You were great. I didn't know you had it in you. + You spoke really well at that meeting, standing up for us all. I never knew you had it in you.
    have (got) nothing on sb/sth (informal) to be not nearly as good as sb/sth
    not having any (informal) not willing to listen to or believe sth: I tried to persuade her to wait but she wasn't having any.
    what have you other things, people, etc. of the same kind: There's room in the cellar to store old furniture and what have you.
    Phrasal Verbs: have (got) sth against sb/sth (not used in the progressive tenses) to dislike sb/sth for a particular reason: What have you got against Ruth? She's always been good to you.
    have sb<->back to allow a husband, wife or partner that you are separated from to return
    have sth back to receive sth that sb has borrowed or taken from you: You can have your files back after we've checked them.
    have (got) sth in (not used in the progressive tenses) to have a supply of sth in your home, etc: Have we got enough food in?
    have sb on (informal) to try to make sb believe sth that is not true, usually as a joke: You didn't really, did you? You're not having me on, are you?
    have (got) sth on (not used in the progressive tenses)
    1 to be wearing sth: She had a red jacket on. + He had nothing (= no clothes) on. - WEAR
    2 to leave a piece of equipment working: She has her TV on all day.
    3 to have arranged to do sth: I can't see you this week-I've got a lot on.
    have (got) sth on sb [no passive] (informal) (not used in the progressive tenses) to know sth bad about sb, especially sth that connects them with a crime: I'm not worried-they've got nothing on me.
    have sth out to cause sth, especially a part of your body, to be removed: I had to have my appendix out.
    have sth out (with sb) to try to settle a dispute by discussing or arguing about it openly: I need to have it out with her once and for all.
    have sb up (for sth) (BrE, informal) [usually passive] to cause sb to be accused of sth in a court of law: He was had up for manslaughter.
    auxiliary verb used with the past participle to form perfect tenses: I've finished my work. + He's gone home, hasn't he? + 'Have you seen it?' 'Yes, I have / No, I haven't.' + She'll have had the results by now. + Had they left before you got there? + If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes I wouldn't have believed it. + (formal) Had I known that (= if I had known that) I would never have come.
    have you got / do you have
    Have got is the usual verb in BrE to show possession, etc. in positive statements in the present tense, in negative statements and in questions: They've got a wonderful house. + We haven't got a television. + Have you got a meeting today? Questions and negative statements formed with do are also common:
    Do you have any brothers and sisters? + We don't have a car.

    Have is also used but is more formal: I have no objection to your request. + Have you an appointment? Some expressions with have are common even in informal language:
    I'm sorry, I haven't a clue.

    In the past tense had is used in positive statements. In negatives and questions, forms with did have are usually used: They had a wonderful house. + We didn't have much time. + Did she have her husband with her?
    In AmE have and forms with do/does/did are the usual way to show possession, etc. in positive statements, negatives and questions: They have a wonderful house. + We don't have a television. + Do you have a meeting today? Have got is not used in questions, but is used in positive statements, especially to emphasize that somebody has one thing rather than another:
    'Does your brother have brown hair?' 'No, he's got blond hair.'

    In both BrE and AmE have and forms with do/does and did are used when you are referring to a habit or routine: In my country people usually have large families. + We don't often have time to talk. + Do you ever have headaches?

    Thesaurus dictionary

    1 possess, own, keep; maintain:
    Imelda had more shoes than you could count.
    2 receive, take, accept, get, obtain, acquire, procure, secure, take:
    How many gifts did you say she had from him?
    3 entertain, be struck by:
    I have an idea!
    4 possess, bear, contain, include, comprise:
    The night has a thousand eyes.
    5 suffer with or from, be suffering with or from, be experiencing, be undergoing, be enduring, be subjected to:
    My daughter was really ill when she had measles.
    6 arrange, organize, set up, prepare; hold:
    If I have a party, will you come? We shall have our next meeting on Saturday
    7 partake of, participate in, experience, enjoy; eat; drink:
    I hope you have a good time.
    8 give birth to, bear, deliver, bring into the world; beget, sire, father:
    She had three children in as many years. How many children has he had?
    9 make, demand; force, oblige, cause, induce, press, require, compel:
    We'll have the caterers come at noon.
    10 had better or best. ought to, must, should:
    I had better not drink as I'm driving.
    11 had rather or sooner. prefer to, would rather or sooner:
    I'd rather be with you.
    12 have on.
    (a) be wearing, be dressed or clothed or attired in:
    I'll have on the silk nightgown you like so much.
    (b) be committed to, have planned, have in the offing, have on the agenda:
    I have something on next Tuesday evening.
    (c) trick, tease, deceive, pull (someone's) leg, play a joke on, fool:
    Do you really love me or are you having me on?

    Concise dictionary

    had|has|having|haveshæv ,həv
    +a person who possesses great material wealth
    +have or possess, either in a concrete or an abstract sense
    +have as a feature
    +go through (mental or physical states or experiences)
    +have ownership or possession of
    +cause to move; cause to be in a certain position or condition
    +serve oneself to, or consume regularly
    +have a personal or business relationship with someone
    +organize or be responsible for
    +have left
    +be confronted with
    +suffer from; be ill with
    +cause to do; cause to act in a specified manner
    +receive willingly something given or offered
    +get something; come into possession of
    +undergo (as of injuries and illnesses)
    +achieve a point or goal
    +have sex with; archaic use

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