US: /ˈɛntɹəns/
English - Vietnamese dictionary
entrance /'entrəns/- danh từ
- sự đi vào
- (sân khấu) sự ra (của diễn viên)
- sự nhậm (chức...)
- quyền vào, quyền gia nhập
- tiền vào, tiền gia nhập ((cũng) entrance_fee)
- cổng vào, lối vào
- ngoại động từ
- làm xuất thần
- làm mê li
- mê hoặc (ai đén chỗ...)
- to entrance someone to his destruction: mê hoặc ai đến chỗ làm cho người ta bị thất cơ lỡ vận
Advanced English dictionary
noun-see also ENTRANCEdoor / gate
1 [C] ~ (to / of sth) a door, gate, passage, etc. used for entering a room, building or place: the entrance to the museum / the museum entrance + the front / back / side entrance of the house + A lighthouse marks the entrance to the harbour. + an entrance hall / lobby + I'll meet you at the main entrance.
Compare: EXIT n. (1)
going in
2 [C, usually sing.] ~ (of sb) the act of entering a room, building or place, especially in a way that attracts the attention of other people: His sudden entrance took everyone by surprise. + A fanfare signalled the entrance of the king. + She made her entrance after all the other guests had arrived. + The hero makes his entrance (= walks onto the stage) in Scene 2.
3 [U] ~ (to sth) the right or opportunity to enter a building or place: They were refused entrance to the exhibition. + (BrE) an entrance fee (= money paid to go into a museum, etc.) + The police were unable to gain entrance to the house.
becoming involved
4 [C] ~ (into sth) the act of becoming involved in sth: The company made a dramatic entrance into the export market.
to club / institution
5 [U] ~ (to sth) permission to become a member of a club, society, university, etc: a university entrance exam + entrance requirements + Entrance to the golf club is by sponsorship only.
Compare: ENTRY
entrance / entry / admission
Both entrance and entry can be used to mean the act of going into a room or building: She looked up at the sound of my entrance/entry.
Entrance, entry and admission all mean the right to enter a place: We were refused entrance/entry/admission.
Entrance, entry and admission are also used for the right to join a club, an institution or a group: an entrance exam + entry requirements + selecting students for admission.
The physical way in to a building is an entrance (AmE also entryway): I'll meet you at the entrance.
+ verb
[VN] [usually passive] (written) to make sb feel great pleasure and admiration so that they give sb/sth all their attention: He listened to her, entranced.
See also -
entrancing adjective: entrancing music
Thesaurus dictionary
1 (right of) entry, access, admission, admittance, entrée, introduction:
You need security clearance to gain entrance.
2 entry, entry-way, access, door, gate, passage, way (in); ingress:
The entrance is locked after midnight.
3 arrival, appearance; coming, entry, coming or going in:
Her entrances were accompanied by cheers. He opposed our entrance into the war.
4 beginning, start, commencement:
Today marks his entrance into his new duties.
enchant, enrapture, fascinate, bewitch, spellbind, transport, delight, charm, captivate, enthral, overpower, mesmerize, hypnotize:
He was entranced by her beauty.
1 door/place through which you enter sth
narrow, wide | main | back, front, rear, side | cave, church, harbour, school, tunnel, etc.
While the front door is being repaired, please use the side entrance.
| mark
The little porch marked the entrance to a churchyard.
| have
The building has only one entrance.
| block
She stood firm, blocking the entrance.
area, foyer, hall, lobby | door, doorway, gate, porch | passage
at the ~, by a/the ~
The band left by the rear entrance to escape photographers.
| in the ~
She stood in the entrance to the ward.
| through the ~
Go through the main entrance into the yard.
| ~ from
There is a back entrance from West Street.
| ~ into
the entrance into the car park
| ~ to
He was waiting at the entrance to the cave.
2 act of coming in
dramatic, grand
She made a grand entrance once all the guests were assembled.
| gain
Some of the protesters tried to gain entrance to the meeting.
~ into
her entrance into politics
3 right to enter a place
students hoping to gain entrance to university
charge, fee | ticket
an entrance ticket to the zoo
| requirements | exam/examination
Concise dictionary
+something that provides access (to get in or get out)
+a movement into or inward
+the act of entering
+attract; cause to be enamored
+put into a trance