US: /ˈkɹaʊdəd/, /ˈkɹaʊdɪd/
UK: /kɹˈaʊdɪd/
English - Vietnamese dictionary
crowded /'kraudid/- tính từ
- đông đúc
- crowded streets: phố xá đông đúc
- đầy, tràn đầy
- life crowded with great events: cuộc đời đầy những sự kiện lớn
- (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ) chật ních
- to be crowded for time: không có thì giờ rảnh
- đông đúc
Advanced English dictionary
+ adjective (with sth)1 having a lot of people or too many people: crowded streets + a crowded bar + In the spring the place is crowded with skiers. + London was very crowded.
2 full of sth: a room crowded with books + We have a very crowded schedule.
Thesaurus dictionary
1 throng, multitude, horde, swarm, mass, press, flood, mob, flock, pack:
A huge crowd descended on the village square.
2 company, set, circle, lot, bunch, group, coterie, clique, claque, faction:
She doesn't associate with our crowd any longer.
3 throng, swarm, herd, pour, pile, press, cluster, gather, get together, flood, flock, assemble, congregate:
People crowded into the stadium.
4 push, press, drive, shove, thrust, force, load, pack, cram, jam, corral:
The police crowded the hooligans into vans.
5 compress, squeeze, pack, jam, cram, collect; stuff:
We were so crowded in the cabin we could hardly breathe.
be | become, get
densely, extremely, very
living in densely crowded conditions The shops were all very crowded.
| increasingly | a bit, fairly, a little, pretty, quite, rather
The store was crowded with shoppers.
Concise dictionary
+overfilled or compacted or concentrated
+a large number of things or people considered together
+an informal body of friends
+cause to herd, drive, or crowd together
+fill or occupy to the point of overflowing
+to gather together in large numbers
+approach a certain age or speed