
US: /ˈkɫind/

UK: /klˈiːnd/

English - Vietnamese dictionary

clean /kli:n/
  • tính từ
    • sạch, sạch sẽ
      • a clean boy: đứa trẻ sạch sẽ
      • a clean room: căn phòng sạch sẽ
    • (nghĩa bóng) trong sạch không tội lỗi
      • a clean life: cuộc sống trong sạch
    • không lỗi, dễ đọc (bản in)
    • thẳng, không có mấu; không nham nhở
      • a sharp knife makes a clean cut: dao bén cắt thẳng
      • clean wood: gỗ không có mấu
    • cân đối, đẹp
      • clean line: đường nét đẹp cân đối
      • clean limbs: chân tay cân đối
    • nhanh, khéo gọn
      • a clean blow: cú đấm gọn
    • (kinh thánh) không bị ô uế; không bệnh tật
    • có thể ăn thịt được
    • as clean as new pin
      • sạch như chùi
    • clean tongue
      • cách ăn nói nhã nhặn
    • clean slate
      • (nghĩa bóng) tình trạng không một tí gì ràng buộc
    • to have clean hands in the matter
      • không dính líu gì về việc đó
    • to make a clean breast of
      • (xem) breast
    • to make a clean sweep of
      • quét sạch, hoàn toàn xoá bỏ
    • to show a clean pair of heels
      • (xem) heel
  • danh từ
    • sự lau sạch, sự rửa sạch, sự quét sạch
      • give it a good clean: lau cái đó cho thật sạch đi
  • phó từ
    • hoàn toàn, hẳn
      • I clean forget about it: tôi quên hẳn chuyện đó
      • they got clean away: chúng đi mất, hoàn toàn không để lại dấu vết gì
    • sạch, sạch sẽ
      • to scrub the floor clean: cọ sạch sàn
  • ngoại động từ
    • lau chùi, rửa sạch, cạo sạch, đánh sạch, tẩy sạch, vét sạch, quét sạch
      • to clean clothes: tẩy quần áo
      • to clean a road: quét đường
      • to clean a pot: cạo nồi, đánh nồi
      • to clean a well: vét giếng
      • to clean a room: quét dọn phòng
      • to clean one's teeth: đánh răng
      • to clean a piece of land: giẫy cỏ một mảnh đất
      • to clean oil: lọc dầu
      • to clean a wound: rửa sạch vết thương
      • to clean a channel: nạo vét kênh
      • to clean a fish: moi ruột cá
      • to clean vegetables: nhặt rau
    • to clean down
      • chải (ngựa); làm cho sạch, quét sạch (tường...)
    • to clean out
      • cạo, nạo, dọn sạch, làm cho sạch
    • to clean out a drawer: dọn sạch ngăn kéo
    • to clean out someone: (từ lóng) bóc lột hết tiền của ai; bòn hết tiền của ai
    • to clean up
      • dọn, dọn dẹp, dọn vệ sinh; sắp xếp gọn ghẽ
    • to clean up a room: dọn vệ sinh phòng
    • hoàn thành công việc
    • (từ Mỹ,nghĩa Mỹ), lóng vớ được món tiền lớn
    • to be cleaned out
      • nhẵn túi, cháy túi, sạch túi, bị bòn rút hết

Thesaurus dictionary

1 pure, undefiled, unsullied, unmixed, unadulterated, uncontaminated, unpolluted, uninfected, unspoiled or unspoilt, sanitary, disinfected; antiseptic, decontaminated, purified, sterile:
The laboratory reports that our well water is absolutely clean. You must use a clean bandage.
2 unsoiled, untainted, unstained; unsullied; cleansed, cleanly, (freshly) laundered or washed, scrubbed; spotless, immaculate:
She puts on clean underwear every day in case she's involved in an accident.
3 clean-cut, neat, simple, definite, uncomplicated, smooth, even, straight, trim, tidy:
The edges of the fracture are clean and will mend quickly.
4 innocent, blameless, inoffensive, respectable; decent, chaste, pure, honourable, good, undefiled, virtuous, moral:
The suspect was completely clean - he was out of town at the time of the robbery.
5 non-radioactive:
They say they've produced a clean bomb, but I don't believe it.
6 unarmed, weaponless:
Frisk that suspect and make sure he's clean.
7 completely, entirely, thoroughly, fully, totally, wholly, altogether, quite, utterly, absolutely:
Geoff's clean out of his mind if he believes that. With one blow he cut the orange clean through.
8 come clean. confess, acknowledge, make a clean breast, admit, make a revelation, reveal, Colloq own up, spill the beans; US dialect fess up; Slang sing:
In the end he saw that he was trapped and decided to come clean.
9 cleanse, wash, lave, (take a) shower, sponge, mop, scrub, scour, sweep, dust, vacuum, polish, launder, dry-clean, Brit hoover; tidy, neaten, do up, straighten up or out, unclutter; Brit bath; US and Canadian bathe:
When we cleaned the urn, we could read the inscription. I have told Richard a thousand times to clean his room.
10 clean out.
(a) exhaust, deplete:
The gambler cleaned her out of every penny she had in the world.
(b) empty, leave bare, clear out, evacuate:
We must clean out the larder before it can be painted.
11 clean up.
(a) clean, cleanse, wash, (take a) shower, Brit bath; US take a bath, bathe, wash up:
Clean up, please, dinner is almost ready. It took us a week to clean up the stables.
(b) purge, purify, disinfect, depollute, decontaminate, clear, sanitize:
The council has led the way towards cleaning up the wetlands of chemical waste.

Concise dictionary

+a weightlift in which the barbell is lifted to shoulder height and then jerked overhead
+make clean by removing dirt, filth, or unwanted substances from
+remove unwanted substances from, such as feathers or pits
+clean and tidy up the house
+clean one's body or parts thereof, as by washing
+be cleanable
+deprive wholly of money in a gambling game, robbery, etc.
+remove all contents or possession from, or empty completely
+remove while making clean
+remove unwanted substances from
+remove shells or husks from
+free from dirt or impurities; or having clean habits
+free of restrictions or qualifications
+(of sound or color) free from anything that dulls or dims
+free from impurities
+without difficulties or problems
+ritually clean or pure
+not spreading pollution or contamination; especially radioactive contamination
+(of behavior or especially language) free from objectionable elements; fit for all observers
+free from sepsis or infection
+morally pure
+(of a manuscript) having few alterations or corrections
+(of a surface) not written or printed on
+exhibiting or calling for sportsmanship or fair play
+thorough and without qualification
+(of a record) having no marks of discredit or offense
+not carrying concealed weapons
+free from clumsiness; precisely or deftly executed
+free of drugs
+completely; used as intensifiers
+in conformity with the rules or laws and without fraud or cheating

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